Plotting vs. Pantsing: Which Writing Style Works Best for You?

Welcome, aspiring authors, to the age-old battle between “plotting” and “pantsing”, two mighty writing styles vying for dominance in the realm of story creation. Are you prepared to embark on a brief journey of self-reflection and discover which path suits you best? Grab your quills, don your thinking caps, and lets delve into the marvelous…

Welcome, aspiring authors, to the age-old battle between “plotting” and “pantsing”, two mighty writing styles vying for dominance in the realm of story creation. Are you prepared to embark on a brief journey of self-reflection and discover which path suits you best? Grab your quills, don your thinking caps, and lets delve into the marvelous world of plotting and pantsing to figure out which suits you best!


Architectural Marvels and Color-Coded Chaos – Ah, plotting—the meticulous art of planning your novel with the precision of a master architect. It’s like constructing a grand castle from the ground up, carefully designing each room and corridor before placing the characters within. Plotting enthusiasts revel in structure, organization, and the thrill of a well-orchestrated narrative.

  1. The Blueprint of Brilliance: When you choose the plotting route, you create a detailed outline that serves as the blueprint for your novel. This roadmap outlines major plot points, character arcs, and even the color of socks your protagonist will wear on page 147. It provides a clear direction, helping you stay on track and avoid meandering plot holes that lead to literary oblivion.
  2. The Power of Post-it Notes: Plotting aficionados are known for their love affair with colorful post-it notes. These tiny squares of vibrant chaos become a writer’s best friend. Stick them on your wall, organize them by chapter or theme, and marvel at the rainbow of plot possibilities. Just be careful not to confuse your plot with a modern art exhibition. It’s easy to lose track of your story amidst the kaleidoscope of notes. Grab a few packs and get to work!
  3. The Structure Strut: Plotting provides a solid narrative structure, akin to a well-built foundation for your literary masterpiece. It ensures your story has a compelling beginning, an engaging middle, and a satisfying conclusion. Think of it as the scaffolding that supports your creative vision, preventing your plot from collapsing like a badly constructed Jenga tower. With a well-planned structure, your story will stand tall and captivate readers from start to finish.


Free Spirits and Uncharted Adventures – Now, let’s venture into the whimsical world of pantsing, so named for when writers fly by the seat of their pants, embracing the spontaneous magic of the creative process. Pantsers thrive on surprises, uncharted adventures, and the sheer exhilaration of discovering their story as they go along.

  1. The Joy of Discovery: Pantsing is like setting sail on a literary voyage with no map or compass. You start with a spark of inspiration, a glimmer of an idea, and let your characters and story take you on a wild ride. It’s an adventure where you unravel mysteries, encounter unexpected plot twists, and occasionally get lost in a dense thicket of narrative chaos. But fear not, for sometimes the greatest treasures are found in the most unexplored territories.
  2. Character Revelations: For pantsers, characters come alive on the page, surprising their creators with their quirks, desires, and unexpected decisions. As you write, your characters whisper their deepest secrets, revealing hidden depths you never could have plotted. It’s like hosting a party where you have no idea who’ll show up or what mischief they’ll cause. Just make sure they don’t throw all your carefully plotted plans out the window. Characters have a mischievous streak, after all.
  3. Embracing the Unknown: Pantsers bask in the delightful uncertainty of not knowing what happens next. They thrive on the spontaneous bursts of creativity that arise from the chaos. It’s like taking a rollercoaster ride with no idea of the twists, turns, or stomach-churning loops that lie ahead. Hang on tight and enjoy the unpredictable ride!

Finding Your Style and the Novel’s Structure

As you ponder the critical question of plotting versus pantsing, it’s essential to remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Each writer is unique, with their own creative process and preferences. Some writers may find solace in the detailed planning of plotting, while others may flourish in the uncharted territories of pantsing.

Regardless of your chosen path, keep in mind the overall structure of a novel. Every story needs a compelling beginning that hooks readers, a middle filled with rising tension and character development, and a satisfying resolution that ties up loose ends. Whether you meticulously plot or pants your way through, ensure your story adheres to these fundamental pillars of structure.

Balancing Plot and Spontaneity

Plotting and pantsing represent two ends of a spectrum, but they need not be mutually exclusive. Many writers find a balance between the two styles, employing a hybrid approach that allows for both structure and spontaneity.

You may start with a loose outline, a basic roadmap to guide you through the initial stages of writing. As you progress, you might veer off into uncharted territories, embracing the spontaneous whims of pantsing. This approach lets you enjoy the benefits of both worlds—the comfort of structure and the thrill of unexpected discoveries. This is the approach I employ for longer works such as novels and novellas. I adopt a looser approach for my short stories using “story beats” (blog post forthcoming!)

Experimentation and Reflection

Ultimately, discovering your preferred writing style requires experimentation and reflection. Try both plotting and pantsing in separate writing projects or even within the same project. Observe how each style resonates with your creative process, productivity, and overall enjoyment of the craft.

Pay attention to your instincts and the joy you derive from the writing experience. Does plotting give you a sense of security and clarity, or does pantsing fill you with excitement and spontaneity? Your personal preferences are the compass that will guide you toward the most effective and fulfilling writing style for your creative process.


Plotting versus pantsing is a battle as old as the quill itself. As you embark, or continue, on your writing journey, take the time to experiment and discover which style suits you best. Are you the meticulous architect of plots or the fearless explorer of literary jungles? Perhaps a mix of both is the key to unlocking your creativity. Embrace your unique process, adapt it as needed, and remember to enjoy the wild and wonderful ride that is story-crafting. Happy writing, my fellow adventurers!

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